Exhibition Mother and catalogue of art Rott (2011)


Illustrations for literary works and other books:

  • Das Fanneslied by Karl Staudacher (Tyrolia–Verlag, Innsbruck, 1994)
  • Calënder Ladin (EPL, 1999)
  • Südtirol Thailand by Alfred Frenes (Athesia, Bolzano, 2001)
  • Cunties by Iaco Rigo (Istitut Cultural Ladin Micurá de Rü, San Martin de Tor, 2001)
  • Endô a ciasa by Lois Ellecosta (UML, 2006)

Fanes Poem Musical

Paintings of scene for the opera
Fanes Poem Musical
at the City Theatre of Bolzano (2011)


Le Rëgn de Fanes

Artistic consulence for the film Le Rëgn de Fanes – The Reign of Fanes (2005)
